'Welcome to the New Term'

 Welcome to the New Term!

Break behind and ahead of me new projects and horizons. I am start to research Media Project 1, and at the end of this term I will need to write an essay and create a portfolio. 

During the break, I watched a couple of films and one of them inspired me the most. This is film is called 'Run,Forrest,Run! Forrest Gump.

                                                Tom Hanks  which plays a Forrest's role , a man with low IQ, recounts the early years of his life when he found himself in  the middle of key historical events. All he wants now is to be reunited with his childhood sweetheart, Jenny.

Reference list.



  1. Please add the source underneath the image as shown in class and ensure the reference at the end of your post follows Harvard conventions. I do feel like you could add more commentary here explaining why this movie inspired you with more in-depth research. Consider aspects such as the plot, cinematography and actors.


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