Sequential art
Sequential images are the "stitching" of several photographs of one person or action into one. It's kind of a form of slow motion. Such pictures show changes in the location of the object, and such pictures are possible only on a static background.In such photographs, we seem to be looking at an object in motion. With modern technology, advanced cameras with different modes of sequential images and share patience anyone can make such photos.
I am learned from doing the task how to use photo editor to join 6 photos together. And at first it didn't work, and then I downloaded Photo Editor and installed it on my laptop and it went well. I need to improve my skills in work with photo editor.
Please make sure you add reflection on your practice piece here. Reflection is thinking about how the work is going and how you can improve it. Discuss what you learned from doing the task, what went well and what could be improved. The sources you have included are from Wikipedia. As Wikipedia is not an academic source, it cannot be used on your blog. The quotes you have included are related to sequential art in comic studies. It would be best to focus your research on sequential photography, as this is the focus of this week's task.