Research for major project
In my main project, I will most likely be writing an article about independent filmmaking.
Initial Research
Independent film is a feature film or short film wich is produced by independent entertainment
How is it different from films produced by major studios?
An independent film differs in content and style, and often has a lower budget.
What are the key characteristics of independent film?
An independent film usually have limited release,often at independent movie theaters.
Can you give me two examples of independent films and can you describe
the key characteristics that make this an independent film? 'The Terminator '(1984) and
'Brooklyn' (2015) Independent film is more realistic without the artificiality that is inherent in studio films.
Can you explain a little bit more about the history of independent film?
In 1908 , the Motion Picture Patents Company or 'Edison Trust' was created as a trust. This trust was a holder of film production and distribution all the major film companies of that time. Filmmakers who were declined or refused membership began to be called 'independent'.
Further Research
As part of my further research I have look at Avant-Garde film and Experimental Film.
What is Avant-Garde? How is this related to independent film?
This is style of filmmaking that explores non-narrative forms or alternatives to traditional narratives or methods of working. Experimental filmmakers usually begin as amateurs, the aim may be to render the personal vision of an artist or new technology and therefore most often they are filming independently.
Project development
This is the blog post that needs to show your project development and the infographic.
Discuss your project idea more in-depth? Can you provide an overview or
breakdown of what you will discuss in this article? Be very specific about the topics that you
will discuss.
What initial research have you done already?
History of independent filmmaking.
What Tools, Equipment and software will you need?
Lucidpress, Flipsnack
The target audience are Film students.
I will research how to create a magazine layout to my article visually engaging.
I will also look at other (online) film magazines and look at their content and structure to
inform my ideas.
Reference list
As mentioned in my comment on the previous blog post, I do not think that writing a film review is appropriate as your major project for Media Project II. You have written a review for Digital Arts and Media Project I and used Lucidpress for both projects. You really need to look at developing your skillset in preparation for your first year at university. You could consider working on a more practical project, such as creating a short film, or you could write a short film script for Media Project II.