First draft 'About me' page

1) Hello here! My name is Szvetlana Melnik . I  am undergraduate student at De Montfort University. Currently I am studying Digital Art course and will use this website to shown my major project which is connected with my  progression route 'Film Studies and Media'.

2) Since chilhood, I have loved to watch many films. And one day I thought, why not take part in these films myself? This is how the idea was born to study on the this course.

3) I am currently working on a major project which is called Film Review 'Life Itself'. 

4) In the future, I plan to work in the film industry.

If you follow my formula and you’ve got people complaining that your bio is too short and they want more information then, a) write to me, because I’d like to see that , and b) consider that a very good thing! - Scott James


  1. I like your bio! It is short, readable and interesting.
    Well done

  2. Although it is good to discuss the kind of work you produce, your current about me page has to be updated as soon as you start working on a new project. This does not work very well and needs to be improved. Is there anything specific you are interested in in the film industry as this is very large with many different roles?

    1. I have not yet desided what position I want in the film industry.


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