SMART Objective

 I previously described ideas for my future project, and chose the film review Promising Young Woman (2020)

Aim = the overall thing  I want to show or achieve

Objectives = steps I take to achieve my aim

1.    To research the media produsers

2.    To analyse my chosen texts in order to find out about Promising Young Woman

3.    To compare the film Promising Young Woman   with examples of the issue

4.    To do audience research in order to find out what others think about the issue/ concept /text

5.    To reach conclusions about  film Promising Young Woman


  1. We have discussed your project idea and signed this off. Please make sure you add a screenshot of the project sign off form to your blog. Also, make sure you add the Project Plan Pro Forma to your blog. This can be found in the learning materials of week four.


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