
Showing posts from July, 2021

Media Project II Project Ideas & Plan

  Describe your major project objective using the SMART acronym Why have you chosen to do this project? Who are you researching for this project? Please list at least three media producers, authors, musicians, photographers etc.   For this project I researched film producer Amanda Rachel Posey good known for film 'Brooklin'(2015), Sean McKittrick - american film producer, his best work 'Get out'(2017), Kate Byers film produser best known for her film 'Bait' (2019).                  What techniques/skills are you developing/learning for this project?  For this project I have learned the importance of developing independent cinematpgraphy.Also I developed skills in working with software such as Pictochart, Lucidpress, Flipsneck.                 What do you expect the final out...

Project sign-0ff

  I have made a project sign-off with my tutor Jurian Wisser which describes the aims and objectives of my project  also checklist of activities.

Smart objective

 S - specific M - measurable A - achievable R - relevant T - time-bound  I will be writing an article about 1000 word on the topic 'Global film history'. I will use software such as Lucidpress for development my ideas.The final outcome I will publich on my website before the deadline.


 I have used Pictochart as an online tool for development my ideas for major project. I liked making this infographic, it prompted me to take further steps to continue my project. I will research how to create a magazine layout to my article visually engaging. I will also look at other (online) film magazines and look at their content and structure to inform my ideas. 

Research for major project

 In my main project, I will most likely be writing an article about independent filmmaking.  Initial Research  Independent film is a feature film or short film wich is produced by independent entertainment companies. How is it different from films produced by major studios?  An independent film differs in content and style, and often has a lower budget. What are the key characteristics of independent film?  An independent film usually have l imited release,often at independent movie theaters. Can you give me two examples of independent films and can you describe the key characteristics that make this an independent film? 'The Terminator '(1984) and 'Brooklyn' (2015) Independent  film is more realistic without the artificiality that is inherent in studio films. Can you explain a little bit more about the history of independent film?  In 1908 , the Motion Picture Patents Company or 'Edison Trust' was created as a trust. This trust was a holder of ...

Three Amazing Ideas

  Three Amazing Ideas In this blog post, I would like to discuss my ‘3 Amazing Ideas’ for Media Project II. This term I need to create a project related to my progression route and present this on my website as a digital portfolio. As my progression route is Film studies and Media the final outcome could be an article of a 1000 words, a short film, a film review, or a documentary style video.  1. Magazine Article about Independent Film.  One of my ideas for this term is to write a (magazine) article introducing independent film. Independent films or Indie films are ‘film produced and distributed by smaller, independent entertainment companies with a considerably lower budget and characterized by the artistic signature of the writers and directors’ (Matt, 2021). Often independent films are different in style and genre compared to major film studios. In my article, I want to write about the history of independent film and discuss the work and background of important indepen...

Icebreaker - machine that represents me

 Answering the question which machine represents me better I will answer the phone.I drew this machine because it has become an integral part of my life. My phone helps me in everything, from making calls to family and friends and ending with finding the information I need. This is our similarity, I also try to help everyone who I can and with what I can.

Welcome to the NEW TERM in MEDIA PROJECT 2

 Welcome to the new 3 Term in Media Project 2!!! I will be working at my major project this term which concerns to my continuation route Film studies and Media. It will be set essay and  digital portfolio and blog. At first, I want to tell you about who inspired me. It was a film producer Steven Spielberg. He inspired me, because he is one of the most commercially successful directors in history. One of my favorite films under his direction are Indiana  Jones series.                                                                        Steven Spielberg