Describe your major project objective using the SMART acronymWhy have you chosen to do this project?
Who are
you researching for this project? Please list at least three media producers,
authors, musicians, photographers etc.
For this project I researched film producer Amanda Rachel Posey good known for film 'Brooklin'(2015), Sean McKittrick - american film producer, his best work 'Get out'(2017), Kate Byers film produser best known for her film 'Bait' (2019).
techniques/skills are you developing/learning for this project?
For this project I have learned the importance of developing independent cinematpgraphy.Also I developed skills in working with software such as Pictochart, Lucidpress, Flipsneck.
What do
you expect the final outcome of the project to be?
The final outcome of the project will be an article about independent filmmaking which I will make with software Flipsnake and post it on my website at
What have
you completed so far for this project?
So far I did an extensive research about origin, meaning and importantce of independent filmmaking.Also I did researh about Avant-Garde cinema or experimental cinema in relation to independent films.
What do
you think will be the issues/drawbacks to the project?
The issue is to have time to do everything before the deadline.
What is
you timescale considering that this has to be completed by Week 10?
Doing research about origine of independent filmmaking
Week Four:
Doing research about Avant-Garde or experimental cinema
Week Five:
Doing research about relation between independent films and experimental films.
Week Six:
Write an article
Writhe an article
Prepare an article, make it with software into PDF file, and after into Flipsnack.
Week Nine:
Upload the article to the my website
resources or materials will you need for this project?
Written article and Softwares:, Flipsnack.
Draw a
picture/Write a sentence/sketch a story/write a dialogue that captures the
essence of your project
Scene from experimental film.
You have copied the questions from the project plan pro forma but have not answered these. Please make sure you complete this as soon as possible as we are in week eight now. You really need to add further research to your blog and show the development of your project as the deadline is approaching soon!