Reflection:Promising Young Woman
In this project ,I wanted to express my view on the message from the film. In my film review I described that the boys should think about the fact that they can't sleep with drunk girls and it's bad to force them to do something that they would not do in a sober state. And also I state that society should not support men if they did wrong. This may seem like a feminist controversy. I think that many people do not think about that soft compulsion which is discussed here. But in reality, Cassie is not presented in this film review as opposing only men, she also accuses the woman dean of the university for inaction, who did nothing to punish the bad boy.And also many other witnesses of the crime who turned a blind eye to the rape of the girl. Technically, I was happy with the outcome. It was a simple project, I used Lucidpress platform to create a film review that looks beautiful with the film's photos. To post the film review on the Wix website, I used a flipbook, which is ...